
Using Mathematics is one of the three Cross-Curricular Skills at the heart of the curriculum. It is the skill of applying mathematical concepts, processes and understanding appropriately in different contexts.
Pupils in Strangford Integrated College will acquire and consolidate their mathematical skills and knowledge within their Mathematics and Numeracy lessons. Using relevant, real-life situations that require mathematical thinking, they will also be given opportunities to transfer their understanding and knowledge, as appropriate, to other subjects across the curriculum.
Pupils can demonstrate their mathematical knowledge, understanding and skills in a variety of ways to communicate, manage information, think critically, solve problems and make decisions.
Across the curriculum, at a level appropriate to their ability, pupils should be enabled to:
· choose the appropriate materials, equipment and mathematics to use in a particular situation;
· use mathematical knowledge and concepts accurately;
· work systematically and check their work;
· use mathematics to solve problems and make decisions;
· develop methods and strategies, including mental mathematics;
· explore ideas, make and test predictions and think creatively;
· identify and collect information;
· read, interpret, organise and present information in mathematical formats;
· use mathematical understanding and language to ask and answer questions, talk about and discuss ideas and explain ways of working;
· develop financial capability; and
· use ICT to solve problems and/or present their work.
Teachers can use the Levels of Progression for Using Mathematics as a progression framework for all Areas of Learning. This can help pupils to develop their numeracy skills across the curriculum and acquire the mathematical skills relevant to other Areas of Learning.
Assessing the Using Mathematics skills across the curriculum in a systematic and consistent way can help pupils to manage their own learning and to identify learning targets. It also helps pupils to connect learning from different areas of study. This will embed the independent learning that is desirable at Key Stage 4 and post-16.