Art & Moving Image Art

Our Vision
The Art department of Strangford Integrated College is a positive, inclusive and encouraging environment where all students are free to explore and express their creativity and enjoy a range of Art experiences.
We believe that a fair and consistent approach is conducive to learning and have high expectations of ourselves and the students in our care. We expect students to have high expectations for their own achievement and strive to push each one to reach their creative potential.
Staff: Mrs J Beattie (Head of Department); Mrs D Forbes; Mrs C Ferdowsian; Ms R Drysdale & Ms S Hanlon (Technician)
Key Stage 3
In Year 8, students study the formal elements, line, colour, tone, and texture. They also look at Art movements, styles and specific artists. The three themes are formal elements, still life and seashore and students undertake projects experimenting with different media, chalk, paint, pencil, printmaking and ceramics where they design and make their own soap dish.
In Year 9, students study perspective, graffiti and cultural patterns. They will learn about one and two-point perspective leading to a project designing their own room. They also look at Graffiti and lettering projects and cultural pattern; aboriginal and day of the dead projects.
In Year 10, the themes are portraiture, pop art and insects. Students complete projects in self-portraiture, caricature, ceramics and textiles looking at relevant artists.
Key Stage 4
GCSE students study the CCEA Art & Design course. Building on the Key Stage 3 foundation, pupils will explore and develop their work through coursework (60%) and an externally set exam project (40%). There is opportunity for pupils to work from first hand resources, visit galleries and museums, study the work of others and experiment with a range of new techniques such as textiles, ceramics, print making, 3D construction, Photoshop, photography and fine art. Pupils are encouraged to work with personal expression and imaginative thinking.
Key Stage 5
A-Level students study in a workshop led environment with a selection of media, allowing them the experience to develop their own work in a chosen direction. Pupils at A-Level are stimulated and challenged to further develop their skills in a more personal and analytical way. The course encourages them “to present a personal, informed and meaningful response which demonstrates critical understanding and connections between visual, written and other elements.”
Extra-Curricular Visits and Trips
There are regular educational visits organised to the Ulster Museum to see visiting Exhibitions. The Year 12 and 13 attend the True Colours Exhibition showcasing the best of GCSE and A-Level Northern Ireland Schools Art.
In Key Stage 4, we take students to either the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum or RUA Exhibition to take first hand photographs and develop their themes.
At Key Stage 4 & 5, we bring in specialist artist to run workshops with the students in dry point etching and salt etching which is an important contributor to their portfolio of work.
On a Tuesday we run an after schools Art Club for Key Stage 4 & 5.
Follow our Twitter feed on @StrangfordICArt
Moving Image Arts
Moving Image Arts is an ideal choice for students wishing to pursue a career in the creative industries. This unique subject develops critical and creative abilities in all of the key creative areas of film production, including writing, directing, editing, producing and production design. While all students’ creative work is grounded in film analysis from a range of disciplines and contexts, the subject also fosters and encourages independence, originality and experimentation. The subject is taught in small classes of 15 maximum in the Mac Suite.
Department: Mrs J Beattie (HOD) & Mr K. Beare
GCSE Moving Image Arts
Students develop a broad critical understanding of film language, narrative, representation and audience in both theory and practice. They investigate films from a variety of genres and contexts, demonstrating the ability to analyse and evaluate creative purpose. They also experiment with a range of film-making techniques, including animation, and create their own complete moving image portfolios. Students acquire a range of skills on this course such as leading and working with teams and managing resources and creative processes independently, with initiative and creative enterprise.
This qualification builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills developed through the Area of Learning The Arts and the Cross-Curricular Skill of Using ICT.
This specification is a linear qualification: students take all the assessment at the end of the course.
The specification has three components:
- Component 1: Critical Understanding of Creative and Technical Moving Image Production
- Component 2: Acquisition of Skills in Moving Image Production
- Component 3: Planning and Making a Moving Image Product.
GCE Moving Image Arts
Students develop an advanced critical and applied understanding of film language, exploring both formalist and realist styles and techniques taken from a variety of world film movements, practitioners and contexts. This specification is available at two levels: AS and A2.
In the AS units, students learn about the Classical Hollywood Style, Realism and Formalism.
Students who continue to A2 are encouraged to further experiment and explore their ideas as creative filmmakers.
The specification has four units:
- Unit AS 1: Realist and Formalist Techniques and the Classical Hollywood Style: Foundation Portfolio
- Unit AS 2: Critical Response
- Unit A2 1: Creative Production and Research: Advanced Portfolio
- Unit A2 2: Advanced Critical Response.
Extra-Curricular Activities
We arrange a range of extra-curricular trips. Each year we attend MIA Showcase of the best of Northern Ireland MIA films.
Cinemagic workshops
We engage with Cinemagic to bring in facilitators to run workshops with animators and directors both in school and as part of the Cinemagic programme.
In the past we have run a SpFX workshop where students were taught to make realistic wounds and make up; costume workshops and broadcasting workshops.
An after school club is run on Monday afternoon for all MIA students.