Business & UPS

Our Vision
In the Business Department of Strangford Integrated College, we aim for students to provide students with a unique insight into the world of business. Students are encouraged to explore the main areas of business through a range of real-life case studies and scenarios. In the Business Department, we have high expectations of our students, therefore, we expect students to have high expectations for their own achievement and strive to push each one to reach their potential.
Staff: Miss D Hanna; Mr A Coffey and Mr C Jennings.
Key Stage 4
At GCSE there are two options students can pick to study the world of business; Business Communication Systems and Business Studies.
Business Communication Systems – This course introduces students to the world of business. The course combines the practical elements of ICT and the theory elements of Business Studies into one course. It will give you the opportunity to learn ICT skills and then apply them in a practical way to aspects of Business and Economics.
There are three main themes in the course:
Unit 1: Software Application for business - This unit focuses on the practical aspect of ICT in a business. You will sit one computer-based exam that is worth 40% of the overall GCSE..
Unit 2: The Business Environment - This unit focuses on the theory aspect of business, where we look at how to start up a business, right through to maintaining staff and growing the business. This unit is assessed with a written exam worth 35% of the overall GCSE.
Unit 3: Development Digital Solutions - The final unit combines the previous units. This controlled assessment task worth 25% of the overall GCSE will provide you with an opportunity to project manage and develop a digital solution for a business.
Business Communication Systems is helpful for progressing into a wide range of further and higher education. Through studying the course, you will develop your understanding of the world of business and its importance to everyday life. Due to the nature of the course focusing on ICT and business it means more career opportunities are available such as, retail, marketing, human resources, public sector, accounting and the media.
Pupils interested in this course should have a keen interest in the modern business world, as well as how ICT can be used to maximise business potential. Students who undertake this course will be suited to a mix of practical assessment and external examination. Students will have the opportunity to develop ICT skills, independent study and an understanding of how businesses operate.
Business Studies – This provides students with a unique insight into the world of business, the course begins with an insight into starting a business and progresses through into marketing and eventually into expanding the business. During the course you will take on many roles such as a stakeholder, marketing manager and human resources manager.
The Business Studies course explores up-to-date topics such as e-business and m-business as well as looking at current business issues, which you will be able to recognise in the media.
Unit 1: Starting a Business - This unit looks at the resources required to start a business, students then explore marketing which is a major part of business, and finishes by looking at business operations. This unit is assessed by a written exam at the end of year 11, and is worth 40% of the GCSE course.
Unit 2: Developing a Business - After a solid understanding of starting a business from unit 1 students begin to look at more complex elements of business such as human resources, finance and expanding the business. This unit is also assessed by a written exam at the end of year 12 and is worth 40% of the course.
Unit 3: Planning a Business - The final unit allows students to combine their knowledge from unit 1 and 2 and apply this to a real business context. This unit is assessed internally as the students complete controlled assessment in class, this involves creating a business plan for a given business. Unit 3 is worth 20% of the overall GCSE.
A qualification in Business Studies not only sets students up for taking A-Level Business Studies, it can also provide pathways into many careers such as accounting, marketing, banking, human resources and even becoming an entrepreneur. The course provides students with a solid knowledge of understanding of the way in which businesses start up, and operate.
Students who undertake this course should be interested in the current business world, as they are encouraged to carry out research, watch the news to ensure they are up-to-date with current affairs.
Key Stage 5
BTEC Business level 3 is a vocational course that currently is a mix of external and external assessment. The course is graded Distinction* (grade A*), Distinction (grade A), Merit (grade C) or pass (grade E). UCAS points are the same as traditional A-levels, however, some universities will only accept one vocational A-level along with two traditional A-levels as their entry requirements. Students complete 4 units over the two-year course.
In Year 13 students undertake 2 units:
Unit 1 — Exploring Business
Students have the opportunity to explore many businesses in detail as they look at their purpose, structure and the effect of the external environment, they also study up-to-date businesses as they look at the importance of innovation. This unit will be assessed internally as students are set tasks to complete.
Unit 3 — Personal and Business Finance
This unit is an external assessment which is split into two parts; personal finance and business finance. Personal finance prepares students as they progress into adulthood as savings, investments and money management are studied. The second part, business finance allows students to explore how a business manages money as they prepare and analyse business accounts. This unit is assessed by a written examination.
In Year 14 students take 2 units:
Unit 2 — Developing a Marketing Campaign
This topic looks at the dynamic topic of marketing which is vital for a businesses survival and growth. This unit is assessed externally, the students receive preliminary information two weeks prior to the assessment, during this time they will carry out research.
Unit 8 - Recruitment and Selection Process
This short unit is assessed internally. The unit prepares students for the world of work as it looks at a business’s most vital resource; employees Students study the importance of employees, this also includes a more practical element as students get the opportunity to prepare, undertake and review recruitment and selection interviews.
During year 13 and 14 you will develop a range of skills such as problem solving as we develop ideas for businesses to improve and continue to grow. Students will develop independent learning as they pick their own businesses to research as well as improving oral and written communication through completing assessments. Unit 3 also gives students a solid understanding of the importance of managing finances not only for a business but also for them as an individual.
What can I do after I have completed the course?
This qualification in Business Studies can open many opportunities for students, such as higher and further education opportunities in areas such as accountancy, marketing and enterprise. As the course focuses on up-to-date businesses students develop a good understanding of current business affairs happening in the world around them.
Our Vision
In the Public Services Department of Strangford Integrated College, we embody a fundamentally student-centred approach, with a unit-based structure and knowledge applied in project-based assessments. In Public Services we focus on the holistic development of the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment and higher education, we have high expectations of our students, therefore, we expect students to have high expectations for their own achievement and strive to push each one to reach their potential.
Staff: Miss D Hanna; Mr A Coffey and MRs Diaz-Morris.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4 students have the option of completing a Level 2 BTEC First qualification, equivalent to a GCSE. In this Level 2 qualification grades range from Level 2 P, equivalent to a C at GCSE, to Level 2 D*, equivalent to an A* at GCSE. students who do not achieve at Level 2 may be graded at Level 1. Learners whose level of achievement is below a Level 1 will receive an unclassified (U) result
In Year 11 students complete 2 units, followed by a further 2 in Year 12, all with equal weighting. 3 units are internally assessed with one unit externally
Year 11 includes; Unit 3: Employment in the Public Services, students look at a range of different public services, their role and purpose, the various job opportunities available, conditions of the service, and the application and selection processes for various public services.
Unit 1: The Role and Work of the Public Services, students explore how the public services are grouped and their roles, work and how the public services are funded. This Unit is externally assessed.
Year 12 includes;
Unit 2: Working Skills in the Public Service Sector. This specialist units gives students the opportunity to pursue more specialist interests and allows an understanding of public service customers and the working skills public service personnel use to meet the needs of their customers.
Unit 5: Health, Fitness and Lifestyle for the Public Services, students gain an understanding of the basic nutrition and lifestyle choices needed to ensure their own personal fitness, and how this could be used to meet the various health and fitness requirements in the public services. Students will be able to take part in different public services-related fitness tests.
Students who undertake this course should be interested in the role of Public Services, be independent learners who can carry out research and writing up individual reports.
Key Stage 5
BTEC Uniform Protective Services Level 3 extended certificate is a vocational course that currently is a mix of external and Internal assessment. The course is graded Distinction* (grade A*), Distinction (grade A), Merit (grade C) or pass (grade E). UCAS points are the same as traditional A-levels, however, some universities will only accept one vocational A-level along with two traditional A-levels as their entry requirements. Students complete 4 units over the two-year course. The qualification is equivalent in size to one A Level and provides a coherent introduction to the uniformed protective services sector. It is designed to be taken alongside other Level 3 qualifications as one-third of a typical two-year, full-time study programme. No prior study of the sector is needed, but learners should normally have a range of achievement at Level 2, in GCSEs or equivalent qualifications.
In Year 13 students undertake 2 units:
Unit 19: Students will research the different possible careers and the associated job roles in the protective services. Students will have the opportunity to analyse their own skills and identify how to develop them into a career using a career plan, researching their chosen career to understand how to access and progress within it.
Unit 2: Students will examine a range of theories that underpin behaviour and how they are applied in the uniformed protective services. Students will explore how authority is used to benefit both the individual and society, based on key types of authority in the public sector, making connections between theory and practice. This unit is externally assessed
In Year 14 students take 2 units:
Unit 15: In this unit, students will develop an understanding of the criminal justice system. They will look at the criminal trial process and examine the procedures that must be followed before the trial and during the trial itself. Students will understand why certain offenders receive specific sentences, the diverse types of sentencing and what the aims of sentencing are
Unit 5: Students will learn about leadership, investigating the assorted styles of leadership and how they are best used in the uniformed protective services. They will learn how to be an effective team member while developing leadership skills and will have the opportunity to apply these skills in different situations.
What can I do after I have completed the course?
This qualification in Uniformed Protective Services primary purpose is to support post-16 learners in accessing higher education, and ultimately for learners to progress to employment in the uniformed protective services or related areas. It is ideal for learners who want to learn about the uniformed protective services sector alongside other fields of study with a view to progressing to higher education, either to a course related to uniformed protective services or to a course related to one of the other chosen fields of study. The purpose reflects the shift towards increased graduate employment in the sector, for example within the police service.