Our Vision
To educate, equip, and inspire students toward excellence in their creative understanding and use of ICT and to prepare them for the changing workplace.
Mr Ferdowsian (HOD), Mr Thompson & Mr Coffey
Key Stage 3
At Strangford Integrated College, ICT is a part of the curriculum.
Currently the KS3 curriculum includes managing folders, spreadsheets, multimedia presentation software, coding skills using
Currently students are studying Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Information and Creative Technology.
Students learn about
KS5 (AS / A2)
At KS5 students are studying Cambridge Technicals Level 3 in IT. There are different paths through this and we have chosen the creative path. It includes Fundamentals of IT, Global Information, Cyber Security, Project Management, Project Development and the Internet of Everything. This is based on a grounding of knowledge and understanding of general ICT areas such as hardware, software, ethical issues, measures used to protect against cyber security and how information is communicated and developed using IT. Currently pupils complete three exams at AS level and two coursework units at A2.
Cambridge Technicals offers a creative and inspiring vocational qualification. They have a clear, practical and sensible approach to assessment. It is an exciting, inspiring and challenging qualification created to develop transferable skills that are essential in the workplace or further study.
All students use Teams and OneDrive. This can be accessed from any device at home or at school.
Clubs and extra-curricular activities
We have an iCode club where we focus on coding skills. For students interested in this pathway it is important that they develop their skills at home too by signing up to websites they work on at their own pace.
We introduce them to robotics, cybersecurity, and have organised visitors to assist with other tasks.