
Our Vision
Mathematics is concerned not just with solving problems but also with finding the most pleasing route to a solution and with seeking out which problems are worth solving in the first place. The Mathematics Department therefore values precision, clear-thinking and efficiency, alongside creativity, learning from others and flexibility.
Staff: Mr B Bellinger (Head of Department); Miss E Graham; Mrs E Patton; Ms R Perry; Ms H Roulston; Mr M Jones and Mr M Wallace.
Key Stage 3
We start Year 8 with topics which overlap with content covered in Primary School to ensure no significant gaps remain. Topics are grouped according to shared concepts to help pupils link seemingly disconnected areas together e.g. finding the mean is taught after dividing. We progress through KS3 to cover Foundation GCSE content. Some pupils will reinforce this at KS4 and some will be stretched to Higher Level content at KS4. Each student is given an online MyMaths account where homework is set and useful revision resources accessed.
Key Stage 4
GCSE students study CCEA module M2, M3 or M4 in Year 11 and M5, M6, M7 or M8 in Year 12, sitting an examination in the Summer of Year 11 and Winter of Year 12. Students who achieve below the grade they are capable of then have opportunities to resit either module in the Summer of Year 12. Topics are covered in Number, Algebra, Shape Space and Measures and Data Handling. Each student is given an online MyMaths account where homework is set and useful revision resources accessed.
GCSE Further Mathematics is offered to high-achieving students identified at the end of Year 10. Pure, Mechanics and Statistics units are taught, pushing students into topics not encountered elsewhere e.g. during the Logarithms topic in the Pure unit, students may learn how to create objects called ‘fractals’ with dimensions in between whole numbers and calculate what these are. Students studying Further Mathematics complete their ordinary GCSE Mathematics course in Year 11 and then study GCSE Further Mathematics in Year 12.
Key Stage 5
The Mathematics Department offers both A-Level Mathematics and A-Level Further Mathematics with sufficient uptake. The latter may be completed outside the normal timetable.
UKMT (UK Mathematics Trust) Challenges are held annually with Gold, Silver or Bronze certificates available in competition with students across the UK.
UKMT mentoring is also available for the ambitious, with monthly problem sheets stretching students beyond the normal limits of classroom mathematics.