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Strangford College

Physical Education


The P.E. department at Strangford Integrated College is a vibrant, inclusive and excitingenvironment where every child’s physical development is of the upmost importance to us.  It is our aim to inspire an interest in sport and physical activity that will encourage our students to make positive and responsible choices that will impact on their own health and well-being, now and in the future.  We believe that all students should learn to develop their fundamental movement skills and improve both their physical and mental health through participating in regular physical activity.   The physical activity curriculum in Strangford Integrated College aims to provide students with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities carried out in a safe and supportive environment where effort, sportsmanship, success and excellence are equally celebrated.  We aim to give students the opportunities to develop their self-esteem and self-confidence and learn to manage their capabilities.  We aspire to help our students develop positive relationships and learn fair play and respect for others through sport. 

Staff: Mrs G Gibson (Head PE), Mrs N McBurney; Mr R O’Connor, Mr D Mckernan, Mr J Coffey, Mr A Coffey and Mrs E Diaz Morris.

Key Stage 3 

We have designed a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure all students have the opportunity to develop core skills in both team-based and individual activities.  These are listed below. 


  • Rugby 
  • Football 
  • Hockey 
  • Gaelic Football 
  • Hurling 
  • Athletics 
  • Cross Country 
  • Olympic Handball 
  • Basketball 
  • Badminton 
  • Softball 
  • Rounder’s 
  • Netball 
  • Dance 
  • Tennis 
  • Rounder’s 

Assessment throughout the Year 

Pupils undergo four assessments throughout the academic year which contribute to their overall grade reported at the end of each academic year.  Assessments are based on the following areas: skill; application of skill; and attitude to learning.  

Key Stage 4 Core PE 

In Key Stage 4 we have taken a more flexible recreational approach to activities, in order to encourage participation and to help students develop a healthy attitude to lifestyle choices both now and in the future. 

  • Games – Netball, Hockey, Rugby, Football, Badminton, Tennis, Multi-sports 
  • Health related PE – Circuit training, Aerobics, Boxercise 
  • Athletics 
  • Rounders 


BTEC First Award in Sports Studies- Level 1/2 (1 GCSE) 

Year 11 and Year 12 are completing the new BTEC Level1/Level 2 First Award in Sport which consists of four units completed over the two years. Three of these units are practical and coursework based while the fourth unit is an external online exam. 

The four units studied are: 

Unit 1 – Fitness for sport and exercise – exam 

Unit 2 – Practical sport performance- coursework 

Unit 4 – The Sports Performer in Action - coursework 

Unit 5 – Training for personal fitness- coursework 

Assessment throughout the course 

Each unit is broken down into tasks and students are required to meet set deadlines for each in order to pass the course. Final grades are listed as either of the following; Distinction*(A*), Distinction (A), Merit (B) or Pass (C) 

Key Stage 5 

Level 3 BTEC National Extended Certificate in Sport  

Year 13 and Year 14 are completing the BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport which consists of four units completed over the two years. Two of these units are externally assessed through written exams and two units are internally assessed coursework based units.  

The four units studied are: 

Unit 1 – Anatomy and Physiology - Year 13 - 1.5 Hour written exam. 

Unit 2 - Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being - Year 14 - 2.5 Hour written exam. 

Unit 3 - Professional Development within the Sports Industry - Internally assessed coursework.  

Unit 7 – Practical Sports Performance - Internally assessed coursework. 

Assessment throughout the course 

Exam units will require students to work at a consistently high standard in all lessons to progress towards their potential. Students will regularly be assessed throughout the course to assess their learning and understanding using exam style questions. Each coursework unit is broken down into individual tasks and students are required to meet set deadlines for each in order to pass the course. Final grades are listed as either of the following; Distinction, Merit or Pass. 

Extra-Curricular Activities 

The PE department run an extensive Extra-Curricular Programme throughout the year.  PE staff, other members of staff and outside coaches run clubs during lunchtime and after school from 3.25 - 4.30pm. 

Activities include: 

  • Netball 
  • Hockey 
  • Rugby 
  • Football 
  • Badminton 
  • Athletics 
  • Cross Country Running 
  • Golf 
  • Gymnastics 
  • Dance 


We enter all league and cup competitions in a wide range of sports and do our best to accommodate all interests and talents of our students at Strangford College. 

Lesson Procedure 

  1. Before the start of all P.E lessons pupils should line up at the designated point quietly. 
  1. Only with the permission of a member of staff should pupils board a coach when travelling to sporting events. 
  1. Seatbelts are supplied and must be worn at all times. 
  1. No jewellery is to be worn during Physical Education lessons. 
  1. After changing, students to line up quietly outside changing area. 
  1. Non participating from Physical Education must be supported by a parental note. 
  1. Any injury or condition, which excuses students for a period of two weeks or longer, must be supported by a medical certificate. 
  1. Excusal from Physical Education lessons by a parental note or medical certificate only excludes students from the practical element.  Students will be required to carry out written work related to the lesson or activity. 
  1. After all Physical Education lessons, students must put on their full school uniform. 
  1. All Physical Education kit must be permanently named. 

These guidelines are for the purpose of your child participating safely in Physical Education.  Your co-operation is sought in following the above.