Teaching for Learning

Our students represent all faiths and all abilities; including some of the most gifted and talented. Our admissions criteria, with grammar entry, means that as a school, we can provide both grammar and all ability options, all under one roof. We will truly be a school for all the family. We enjoy working with young people and preparing them to take their places as global citizens of the 21st Century. Everything we do is in the interests of our students’ progress and personal development. We know that a good school is about developing and equipping the whole person, within and beyond the classroom.
We also have a dynamic and forward thinking staff team here, with a strong commitment to effective Teaching and Learning, backed by high quality support for students. We have a Research and Development Team, which is dedicated to ensuring that teaching techniques consistently reflect the best in educational practice.
Strangford Integrated College has always promoted the acquisition of thinking skills and capabilities, and opportunities for these to be developed amongst students are included in departmental schemes of work. The importance of knowledge and integrity of academic subjects have been upheld within a curriculum that enables Students of Strangford Integrated College to develop personally and serve as contributors to society and the economy and respect their environment. This has been evidenced through the College becoming a Gold Rights Respecting School in 2022. The centrality of Careers education has been recognised and clear connectivity between CEIAG and the learning areas has been encouraged. Strangford Integrated College also believes that students should be able to connect their learning and, for this reason, connected learning opportunities between subjects is encouraged and facilitated where possible.
Good levels of Literacy allow students in all year groups to access the full curriculum and all teachers have a responsibility to develop students’ capacities for reading, writing, talking and listening. Furthermore, the promotion of students’ competence in numbers and measures will allow them to acquire the financial capabilities needed for adult life. The Heads of Department for English and Maths as well as the Co-ordinators for literacy and numeracy ensure the promotion of literacy and numeracy across all key stages.
Strangford Integrated College aims to be inclusive in all aspects of its work and students’ individual needs and learning styles will be accommodated in the classroom. Differentiated strategies are used to allow students with individual needs to learn most effectively. The College’s SEN Policy and Student Dashboards are implemented in classrooms to allow students to reach their full potential. The College’s Teaching and Learning Policy and Learning Cycle provides the basis for effective classroom practice and accentuates the importance of the students as curious, participative learners who are challenged using a range of classroom methodologies and pedagogy, including ICT.