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Strangford College

Careers information

23rd Apr 2020

Dear Parent/ Student,

I hope you are safe and well, and have had a relaxing Easter break.

I just wanted to provide you with some information on the current situation from a Careers perspective. You will appreciate that there are a lot of unknowns at present and circumstances change on a day to day basis as we navigate through the predicament that we find ourselves in. With this in mind, the Careers Department will endeavour to provide you with up to date information and let you know as updates and progress are made.


If you are in Sixth Form you will rightly be concerned about the UCAS process. The information from UCAS is: “Although the process for awarding grades may be different, the admissions process to confirm your students' places at universities and colleges will remain broadly similar to previous years. We are working to ensure all applicants are treated fairly and consistently, as they are in any other year.”

UCAS have also stated that they will be in touch with applicants via email so it is important to check your inbox regularly.

For more information regarding UCAS, please visit their website ( visit any of their social media platforms.

In addition to this, all of Year 13 and 14 should be in the UCAS Google Classroom where more information can be found. Please contact me ( if you need help accessing this.

Year 13 will be receiving UCAS toolkits via the Google Classroom to help them start thinking about suitable courses and to get them started on the UCAS process.

Applications to Sixth Form

Year 12 students will be thinking about their next steps, whether it be the working world, college or our Sixth Form.

As normal, we release a Sixth Form information and application pack and we update the school website with our prospectus and the subjects that we have on offer. Students also received our Options Booklets in January and there is plenty of information there regarding courses.

Please visit the link below to access digital downloads for these forms, and feel free to email me ( if you have any concerns or would like some advice.


If you had planned on applying for an apprenticeship, please visit the website below for more information. You will also be able to access a helpline number for further advice if needed.

Our Careers Service continues to operate in the following forms:


Chat online with a careers adviser for advice and guidance on your careers options.

Ask Careers a question

Use the Careers Service online form to ask Careers(external link opens in a new window / tab)  a question.


Telephone: 0300 200 7820 (Monday to Friday 9.30 am to 4.30 pm).

Email (Bangor Careers Office) :             

I appreciate that all your questions may not be answered in this summary, but please be assured that we are working hard to support all students in this very unusual and ever changing environment. If you would like further information, or if there is anything else you would like me to look into then please do not hesitate to contact me (

Yours faithfully,

Mr A Coffey