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Strangford College

Comic Relief 2023

12th Mar 2023

This week, we are raising money for Comic Relief:

🔴At break time this week the students will be running a tuckshop outside of Sixth Form Study.  There will also be red noses for sale. Please bring some spare pennies with you.

🔴We are excited to host our very own’The Masked Teacher’.  There will be a special recording for the Junior classes to listen to on Tuesday morning and the Senior classes on Wednesday morning. Students will be able to guess the singer and be entered into a raffle to win an Easter Egg.

🔴On Wednesday afternoon, there will be a performance of ‘The Masked Teacher’ in the hall for Yr 8-10.  We will have some donation buckets at the doors if you wish to donate to this great cause.  

🔴Mrs Maginnes has also organised a Guess the Pet competition.  50p a sheet to enter to win an Easter egg.