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Strangford College

Community Consultations

22nd Sep 2019

As you are aware the College has been working with the Department of Education to progress our New Build which was approved in April 2016. It is now our intention to submit a planning application for the replacement school development and we invite you to review and comment on the proposed development.

The proposed development will consist of the following elements:

'Phased construction of a new school building and sports hall, with associated infrastructure incorporating the following components: in-curtilage car/bus parking and circulation, provision of 3 no. playing fields, provision of 4 no. tennis courts, culverting of watercourse, electricity/waste/service infrastructure, hard and soft landscaping works, boundary treatments, drainage works, demolition and other associated works.'

The design team from AECOM will be facilitating two open-house events. Presentation boards of the development will be on display and members of the AECOM team will be available to answer any questions. The events will be taking place as follows:

26th September @ Carrowdore Community Centre , 110 Main Street, Carrowdore, from 8.30am to 2.30pm

and on

30th October @ Strangford Integrated College, Abbey Road, Carrowdore, from 3.30pm to 7.30pm

If you are unable to attend the public consultation events or exhibitions but would still like to contribute please send your comments to:

AECOM Planning, 10th Floor, The Clarence West Building, 2 Clarence Street West, Belfast, BT2 7GP

or email:

Community Consultation (22nd Sep 2019) View download document