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Strangford College

Farewell Year 14!

8th May 2019

It has been a very busy week for our Sixth Form. Our wonderful Year 14 leadership team handed over their ties to the new Year 13 team yesterday.  We are very much looking forward to working with our new leadership team over the coming year and we would like to thank our outgoing team  for their dedication and hard work over the last 12 months.     Yesterday we had a relaxed afternoon of water fights and pizza. This afternoon we welcomed the parents of our Year 14 students into school and joined with them in celebrating the end of an era for their sons and daughters. We ended our farewell day with a lovely afternoon tea. There has been laughter and tears shed especially today-  we will miss you Year 14, thank you for the last 7 years.  It has been a privilege getting to know you and watching you grow into fabulous young men and women.   Travel well little duckies ❤️❤️❤️ 🦆