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Strangford College


22nd Jun 2022


Strangford Integrated College receives Prestigious Gold UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award.

Strangford Integrated College is one of only 3 Post Primary schools and the only Post Primary Integrated School across Northern Ireland to receive this prestigious award.  A Rights Respecting School is a place where students feel safe and confident in the fact that their rights are being advocated for. 

Strangford Integrated College went through a rigorous assessment from Professional Advisors who looked at the whole school’s rights respecting work and the impact that has been made through embedding children’s rights into school life.

Clare Foster, Principal of Strangford Integrated College said: “We believe that students and staff working together and respecting each other’s rights will result in improvements in learning, self-esteem, well-being, confidence and an appreciation of community.

“We achieved our UNICEF’s Silver Rights Respecting Schools Award back in 2018 and we are delighted to have been able to build on this.  This award is testimony to the fact that we are committed to academic excellence and encourage our students to thrive in a caring, respectful and supportive environment.  

“We acknowledge that across the world, particularly in the current climate some people do not have access to their rights.  We are a school that has fully embedded children’s rights into our school ethos.”

The UK Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.


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