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Strangford College

Student selected to play for Northern Ireland!

3rd May 2019

A Sixth Form student at Strangford College has been selected to play for Northern Ireland at the Cerebal Palsy Football International trophy "Ciutat  de Barcelona" in Spain this summer. The tournament takes place from 5-10 June and involves countries including Catalonia, Brazil, Germany and Northern Ireland. Harry has been playing for the team for ten years.

This is one of the most representative development tournaments in Europe. Several International teams take part in this Trophy whose final target is to become an international reference for CP football. Every year the organization is trying to improve the competing conditions that increases the quality of the tournament.

In the past ten years teams like the Netherlands, Finland, Venezuela, Canada, Ukraine, South Africa, Portugal, England, Tunis,  Denmark, Northern Ireland and Ireland have taken part.

Well done Harry! We are so proud of you. What an achievement. You are a fine ambassador for our College and for Northern Ireland!