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Strangford College

Make Some Noise - House Musical Extravaganza!! 🎶 🎉

19th Nov 2023

On Friday afternoon we held the first House Music Competition. Each house prepared a 10 minute musical extravaganza and talented musicians, dancers, gymnasts and comedians performed in front of junior classes in the assembly hall. This event was to help raise awareness for Anti-bullying Week and also to raise money for Children in Need.

It was lots of fun and it certainly showcased the amazing talent of our students in Strangford College! Huge Congratulations to everyone who took part - it takes tremendous courage to stand up on that stage and you were all fab!! It was a hard decision but judges decided that Taggart came out on top.

Thanks to Mrs Diaz-Morris, Mrs Bryce and Mr Beare for all their hard work! Here’s a peak of some of the acts.