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Strangford College

Junior Jurors Key Stage 3

1st Jun 2021

Our KS3 students recently took part in a reading challenge as Junior Jurors, a wonderful opportunity to read the newest novels, written by authors based across Ireland. 

We engaged in an online session with Ciara Smyth (author of The Falling In Love Montage) and had lots of thoughtful questions to ask her. Ciara was very forthcoming with her answers and provided lots of great insights into creative writing.

Ciara won the Junior Juries’ Choice Awards this year (with our help!) – a fantastic achievement for an Irish bred writer, who lives in Belfast. 

Special recognition goes to our KS3 students who recorded the winner’s announcement in advance of the awards. Also, to Gracie Mathison in 10S, who recorded a video individually to speak about the novel, in her own words.”