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Strangford College

Junior School Summer Examinations

10th May 2019

Junior school summer examinations

As you will be aware, Years 8, 9 and 10 will sit their end of year examinations during the week commencing Tuesday 28th May. Students have received their own copy of their timetable and timetables are also available here on the website.

In order to facilitate the administration of the summer examinations, each year group will have a reading day at home as follows:

Y10: Wednesday 29th May

Y9: Thursday 30th May

Y8: Friday 31st May

This will not affect the students’ attendance rate.

During the examination period there will no canteen facilities for junior school students at breaktime, as they will have a short morning break of 10 minutes between exams. Please make sure that your child brings a snack for morning break during the exam period. Canteen facilities will be offered as normal for lunchtime.

It is the responsibility of each student to have the right equipment for each exam. Two black pens to write with (one a spare), pencil, rubber and ruler are the basic essentials for every examination. Some exams may require further equipment (i.e. calculator for Maths, colour pencils etc). Students who are entitled to extra time also need a blue pen. Gel pens are not allowed.

The use of electronic equipment (mobile phones, iPads, smart watches etc) is not allowed at any time during the examination period. Students who have any electronic equipment with them will be required to leave it at the front of the examination room during each session.

Students are allowed to have water in a clear plastic bottle with them in the exam room, but no other drinks are permitted. Water bottles have all labels removed.

Normal rules of uniform and behaviour apply at all times.

Thank you for your support and good luck everyone!