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Strangford College

KS3 Literacy House Competition

30th Mar 2020

KS3 Literacy House Competition

Let’s have some fun before the Easter holidays. ๐Ÿฐ๐ŸฃGet everyone at home to join in so you can win House Points for your team! (Mahee, I’m counting on you!! Of course I won’t be bias ๐Ÿ˜‰ - Miss Hatchell)

Title: April Fool’s Day ๐ŸŒธ

What to do:
- You are going to write a story in 100 words based on the title above.
- Plan your answer around the title with a few ideas before writing.
- Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, you’ll NEED to redraft your story.
- Get someone to read over your answer before submitting it.
- Be fun - that’s what April Fool’s Day is all about.

- You must use exactly 100 words  (no more, no less).
- Punctuation must be included. Use in the same box as the previous word.
- Your story must be related to April Fool’s (for example a prank, a memory) but can be totally made up.
- It MUST make sense
- Make sure you add your class & House with your response!!

Up to 3 winners will be chosen.

House points available:

1st place – 100 points;
2nd place - 50 points;
3rd place – 25 points.


Due Date: Friday 3rd April at 12pm. Don’t be late, or your answer won’t be included!!

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š There’s a KS3 Accelerated Reader GC that this is assigned to. I’ll attach the code incase. a3zrkuf