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Strangford College

Promoting Positive Mental Health and Well Being

10th May 2019

A group of our Year 11 students have recently taken part in a community safe programme called “Good for Nothing” in partnership with Bangor Alternatives and the PSNI. Part of this programme was to deliver a mental health assesmbly to another year group and do something good in their communities. 

The students delivered their assembly today on positive mental health and drugs and alcohol abuse to Year 8. We talked about the importance of sharing any problems and talking to an adult should you experience any worries or stress from issues relating to family break up, alcohol and drug abuse. The team shared the numbers for Childline, Lifeline and the Samaritans. 

Students then had the opportunity to try on specially adapted beer goggles to show the dangers of impaired judgement when under the influence of alcohol.

Thank you to the team from Bangor Alternatives and congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving their certificates today.

#bettertogether #aproblemshared #mentalhealthwealth