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Strangford College

Saphara trip

2nd Nov 2019

Yesterday we completed our final day of teaching in the wonderful SNEHA Academy. The day started with a special assembly in which we were shown some Indian dancing before the Saphara team performed their own dance - choreographed by our wonderful Head Boy!! Since then we have travelled 7,000ft up the Himalayan Mountains to Mussoorie - the views are incredible!! We went to Kaplani High School today and gave the students the opportunity to learn some fun activities such as tag rugby, dodge ball and the Cha Cha Slide! Tonight we are having a relaxed and cosy night in watching a dvd before we hike through the mountains tomorrow. It’s so hard to believe that it’s Saturday already - we don’t want this trip to end!!! #saphara 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫