Access Keys:

Strangford College


3rd Apr 2020

The school counselling service has sent out their guidance on how they plan to continue to support our students at this time.

  • If you are already being seen by our counsellor, or if you are on the waiting list, he will be in touch with you via email initially and then will continue your sessions either online or via telephone. Counselling will take place on the same day that the counsellor would normally be in school. For us, that is Tuesday.
  • If you would like to make a self referral or if you are a parent who would like to make a referral this can be done either through the school’s Key Contact or directly via their website

  • If you need to make an urgent referral please contact the school and the safeguarding team will liaise directly with Familyworks.
  • If you would like to make use of the drop in service this can be arranged, please send an email or make a call into school to request this support.

As always the mental health and well-being of our students is at the forefront of our minds so please, as always, do contact us if you would like to talk or seek support. 

The Family works website also provides a lot of information and videos which may be helpful at this time.

To contact us  Tel. 02891861199 or email

Key  Contact - Mrs Gibson

Deputy Key Contacts – Mrs McBurney

                                  Mrs Dorrian

Facebook @familyworksni

Twitter @FamilyworksNI