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Strangford College

Sims Parent App

15th Feb 2019

Our new Sims Parent App is available!

All the information you need about your child at school with a simple dashboard layout.

Forms have been sent home with students to access the app. Once paperwork is received, you will be sent an access code and information on how to set it up on your chosen device.  If you do not have a form, they will be sent via parent pay to all year groups.

See the photos for a sample dashboard for a student, with access to information, timetable, latest reports and data collection. You will receive notifications and messages and in the near future you will also be able to access achievement and behaviour information. Eventually all reports will be sent via this.

Year 8 students will receive their next report via the app and no paper copy will be sent home. So don’t delay please get signed up!

Any problems please contact the College office.

#keepintouch #bettertogether