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Strangford College

Sophie to attend One Young World Summit 2023

18th Sep 2023

Congratulations to Sophie in Year 14 who is in the application process to attend the One Young World Summit 2023 as a representative of Ulster Wildlife. Sophie is involved with the organisation in her local community.

The annual One Young World Summit convenes the brightest young leaders from 190+ countries and 250+ organisations, working to accelerate social impact. 

Delegates participate in four transformative days of speeches, workshops and networking. Throughout the Summit, Delegates are counselled by influential political, business, and humanitarian leaders such as President Mary Robinson, Didier Drogba and Professor Muhammad Yunus.

Once the Summit is over, Delegates graduate as One Young World Ambassadors, returning to their workplaces and communities with the means and motivation to make a difference. Since 2010, One Young World Ambassador projects have impacted the lives of over 41.56 million people.

Well done Sophie!