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Strangford College

Amazing students win outstanding awards for their acts of kindness

26th Mar 2021

The charity Hope4LifeNI launched the Uberheroes Kindness Awards 2021 in February. Parents and teachers were asked to nominate students who had shown kindness to others during this period of lockdown.

There was a virtual ceremony on Friday 26th February and out of hundreds of nominations from all over Northern Ireland, Strangford College was the only school who had 6 prizewinners of the highest awards of Outstanding Commendation for their acts of kindness.

Our six prizewinners are:

Amy Crawford

Ryan McCullough-Petticrew

Bailie McDougall

Mollie Baxter 

Katie-Rose McClarnon

Adam McClarnon

Bailie in Year 9 helps look after his sister who has complex needs. His Mum & dad are so proud of his thoughtfulness and kindness towards his sister.

Amy in Year 8 helps look after her brother who also has complex needs.  She is always coming up with creative ways to entertain him and is learning Makaton to communicate with him.

Mollie in Year 10 helps to care for her terminally ill grandfather and has been a massive emotional and physical support to her whole family.

Ryan in Year 8 used his own pocket money to buy sleeping bags for the homeless after a trip to Belfast.

Katie-Rose and Adam made up boxes for their neighbours out of their own pocket money over lockdown.

We are so proud of all these young people who have gone out of their way to display kindness.