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Strangford College

Strangford Integrated College celebrates 25th Anniversary!

28th Oct 2022

Strangford Integrated College celebrates 25 Years!   Strangford Integrated College, is delighted and proud to be celebrating its 25th Anniversary providing all ability integrated education for children in the Ards, North Down and Peninsula areas.

In February 1996, parents attending a public meeting called by All Children Together (ACT) formed a Steering Committee which dedicated itself to opening a post primary integrated school in the North Down and Ards area.

With the active support and backing of the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education, the Integrated Fund and All Children Together, the College first opened in 1997 welcoming 64 students and 6 full-time members of staff.  After 3 years of campaigning, lobbying and fundraising, the Department of Education awarded the school grant maintained status in September, 1999. This recognition was a significant milestone in the College’s development.

Clare Foster, Principal of the College said, “We have come a long way since our doors opened in 1997.  The demand for integrated education is unprecedented with the school once again being heavily over-subscribed for the 2022/23 academic year.  As we welcome our new Year 8 students this year, we would like to pay tribute to the group of parents who bravely forged ahead with their vision for an integrated school for North Down and Ards area.     We continue to grow and thrive and have much to look forward to with a new build plan well underway.”    #strangfordIC25 #bettertogether  

CAPTIONS:  Students enjoyed special assemblies and also were gifted a 25th Anniversary waterbottle and special edition Cadburys Chocolate Bar. Staff were treated to a special afternoon tea with speeches from founding teacher Ms Cacharro and Principal Mrs Foster. In the evening another special event was held in school where the foundation 64 students, foundation staff and Governors, friends of the Strangford Integrated College community are invited to an informal buffet and celebration event.