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Strangford College


30th Jun 2022

Strangford Integrated College had some colour run fun to celebrate the end of term and raise valuable funds for the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland. 

The total raised by students and staff sponsorship was an amazing £6153.99!!

Grace Williams, Area Fundraising Manager commented: “We are delighted that the students from Strangford Integrated College decided to support Air Ambulance Northern Ireland and Peter McGrattan’s fundraising challenge through their colour run event!  

“As a service we rely heavily on charitable donations to keep the medical team in the air, delivering critical care to patients who have suffered trauma throughout Northern Ireland - without continued support, the team simply couldn’t fly.  With a daily fundraising need of £5,500, we are so grateful to the staff and students from Strangford College for this wonderful support!”

Clare Foster, Principal of Strangford Integrated College commented; “Not only was this a great fun event for students to relax and celebrate the end of term but we are so proud of the fundraising efforts of our students.  Particularly in the peninsula area where many of our students live, the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland is a vital life saving service.”

The Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) responds on average to 2 incidents daily, somewhere in Northern Ireland. Since the service first launched in July 2017, the HEMS has been tasked on over 2,916 occasions.

The charity Air Ambulance NI, in partnership with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, provides the HEMS for Northern Ireland. The HEMS team attend patients who are seriously ill or injured, bringing emergency pre hospital care direct to the casualty, with the aim of saving lives, brains and limbs.