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Strangford College

Together with Music

16th Apr 2021

Students have recently been awarded bronze and silver awards from the nationwide “Together with Music” programme.

Together with Music is an intergenerational campaign created to encourage and inspire community connections both now, in this new virtual world and in the future when we can be together in person once again. 

Our students were paired with Movilla House Nursing Home. For the bronze award during lockdown, students recorded a piece of music during lockdown for the residents.  For the silver award, students sent a personalised message of hope to the residents. 

Bringing music and messages of hope at this time brought a lot of sunshine into the residents lives. Well done 👍 We’re proud of you! 🎶 🎶 ☀️ ☀️ 

Through music and the act of music making, sustainable and creative connections can be made which will, in turn, build stronger, healthier and more integrated communities for years to come. 
