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Strangford College

Uberheroes Kindness Awards

5th Apr 2022

Mrs Dorrian and Mrs Gibson recently attended the UberheroKindness Awards 2022 in the Stormont Hotel.  This event is organised by the charity Hope4LifeNI and parents and teachers were asked to nominate students who had shown kindness to others.  

Out of hundreds of entries from all over Northern Ireland, Strangford Integrated College had five finalists in the following categories:

💙Amy (Year 9) for acts of kindness to a sibling – Amy helps look after her brother who has complex needs.  Amy helps to care for his daily needs and is always coming up with creative ways to entertain him. She made him a sensory room and is learning Makaton to communicate with him.

💙Rebecca (Year 13) for acts of kindness to friends – Rebecca always lends a listening ear and has encouraged other students to seek help when needed.

💙Zander (Year 11) for acts of kindness to friends in need – Zander is a kind and calming influence to a student in his class with special educational needs.

💙Courtney (Year 10) for selfless acts of kindness – defended a student and kindness towards others.

💙Riley (Year 12) for acts of kindness to the elderly – Riley is willing to lend a hand to support both his elderly grandmother and a neighbour who had Covid, carrying out daily tasks such as getting groceries, making their dinner and providing company.

Both Amy and Rebecca won their categories and Rebecca won the overall “Ambassador of Kindness 2022.”

We are so proud of our students being celebrated for their Kindness. This is 2 years in a row that we have had 5 nominees.  Well done everyone!!

‘Sometimes is takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a persons life.’ (Jackie Chan)