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Strangford College

Year 8 House Competitions

20th Dec 2022

As a highlight to finish their first set of formal tracking exams in the college on Thursday 8th December Year 8 took part in an afternoon of house competitions. Teams from each house competed within each form class in a range of challenges that required students to work together, think creatively and challenge themselves. Challenges included a Christmas dingbats quiz, building the tallest tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti, the ultimate 3 word story challenge and the egg drop challenge. Well done to all the students who were brilliant all afternoon and a big thank you to their form teachers for facilitating the competitions.

The winning houses are as follows:

8S – Taggart

8T – Mahee/Ogilby/Taggart

8R - Mahee

8A – Sketrick

8N - Taggart