
Bullying and unkindness - whether physical, or mental, are entirely unacceptable at Strangford Integrated College. It conflicts sharply with the school’s principles and we will always treat this seriously.
The College uses the legal definition of bullying for Northern Ireland as defined in the 2016 Anti-Bullying Act:
In this Act ‘bullying’ includes (but is not limited to) the repeated use of- (a) any verbal, written or electronic communication, (b) any other act, or (c) any combination of those, by a pupil or a group of pupils against another pupil or group of pupils, with the intention of causing physical or emotional harm to that pupil or group of pupils.
For the purposes of subsection (1), ‘act’ includes omission.
In Strangford Integrated College we have a specially trained team of Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. These students act as mentors to the younger students and report to staff any incidents. They also run a drop in session each week in the library with games and activities and students can use this opportunity to make new friends as well as discussing any concerns they may have.
Our Anti Bullying Ambassadors also run initiatives throughout the year, organising fundraisers, holding assemblies and they have been awarded the Well-being badge and the Respect badge through the Diana Award for whole school projects they have completed.
Key Considerations for Members of the Strangford Integrated College Community
- If you feel that you are being bullied, talk to someone: your Form Teacher, or Head of Year, a prefect, a member of the Safeguarding Team or any other adult you trust. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors wear a blue badge and have blue hoodies so you can identify them. It is also right for you to talk to your parents about it and for them to discuss it with the College. You can also talk to the College Counsellor.
- If you find it difficult to talk to anyone at school, or at home, then you can send an email to this email address and a member of the Pastoral team will reach out to you. You can also contact the 24 hour Childline service on 0800 1111. All calls are free and confidential and trained counsellors will help any young person with a problem. Other people who may be able to help you are listed on the Be Safe! Posters displayed around the School.
- You should treat others, as you would hope to be treated yourself, in an atmosphere of mutual respect. If an incident occurs you should do what you can to show your disapproval of bullying.
- Bullying will never stop if it is kept secret, and no one faces up to it. If you think someone else is being bullied, talk to a member of staff or a prefect about it. Remember, Be an Upstander, not a Bystander!
For further information please refer to the College Anti-Bullying Policy.