
The school hours are 9.05am to 3.30pm. Lateness is taken very seriously and your help would be appreciated in ensuring that your son/daughter arrives to school on time. Should they arrive after 1st registration they should report to the school office to be signed in. The school runs a truancy call system. Texts will be sent out following registration at 10am.
Leave of Absence
It is the school policy that pupils should not normally be absent during term-time except in the case of illness or emergency. In exceptional circumstances, a request can be made to the principal in writing. Please try to arrange appointments outside of school hours. If this is not possible then a letter or appointment card should be shown to the form tutor and the register can be amended.
Absence from school owing to illness
On the first day of your son’s/daughter’s illness please contact the school office by telephone. On their return to school a note should be sent to the form tutor. For this purpose, tear off notes have been included in the student planner.
Illness in school
If during the school day your son/daughter is unwell they should report to their form tutor. If they are not well enough to continue in school you will be contacted to take them home. It is very important that the schools emergency contact numbers are up to date. If your circumstances change, please inform the school office so that the records can be amended.
Contacting the School
Should you need to discuss issues with a subject teacher please contact the office and the staff member will aim to return your call within 24 hours. Any other issues should be discussed with the form tutor. If you need to contact your son/daughter during the school day please contact the office were a message will be passed on and if necessary you son/daughter can phone you from the school phone. Please do not contact students on mobile phones at any time during school hours.