
All students are expected to wear the College uniform during the school day and are encouraged to keep high standards in this at all times. They also wear the uniform whilst representing the College at sports fixtures or other educational visits.
The College colours are Maroon, Silver and Black. The uniform consists of:
College Uniform
- Maroon Blazer with college badge
- Four kick pleat grey skirt or black school trousers
- Plain white shirt with college tie
- Maroon V-neck jumper or Cardigan
- Plain grey socks/black socks with trousers
- ‘Lycra’ Black tights may be worn
- Black leather school shoes (no trainer/canvas style shoes permitted)
- Maroon striped shirt or White short sleeved shirt – Summer Term (optional)
- House Tie (Clip on)
- i) OPTIONAL School waterproof or plain black coat.
- ii) A College scarf is available from the College Office.
No jewellery of any kind except a watch is allowed for either boys or girls. No piercings or stud earrings are permitted.
No gel/acrylic nails or nail varnish is allowed.
No trainer/canvas style shoes are permitted.
Clip on ties with top buttons in and shirt tails tucked in at all times.
- i) OPTIONAL School waterproof or plain black coat.
- ii) A College scarf is available from the College Office.
FOCUS MENSWEAR Bangor (PE Kit and Uniform)
ROBERTS SCHOOLWEAR Bangor (PE Kit and Uniform)
ALAN ESPEY Newtownards (Uniform Only)
D CRAWFORD Newtownards (PE Kit and Uniform)
PE Kit
Physical Education Kit (to be worn on PE days)
- School Polo Shirt or College Rugby shirt
- Maroon P.E Skort or Rugby shorts
- College Socks
- Training shoes
- Football boots (for football and Rugby)
- Optional sports leggings or tracksuit bottoms
- Optional college hoodie
College Tracksuit (optional; however this should not be worn as a replacement to the kit above).